What does Staff Augmentation means? The Ultimate Guide in 2023



Have you ever wondered about the true meaning of "Staff Augmentation" and how it can benefit your business? The problem lies in the ambiguity surrounding this term.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the concept, agitating the common misconceptions and uncertainties.

By the end of this article, you'll have a crystal-clear understanding of what staff augmentation truly entails and how it can be a strategic solution to meet your staffing needs and enhance your projects.

Definition of Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a business strategy that involves a company hiring additional staff on a temporary or project-based basis to fill skill gaps or increase manpower during peak periods.

These hired staff members, also known as "augmented staff," are not permanent employees of the company, but rather contracted workers who provide additional support.

The augmented staff can be sourced through a variety of channels, including staffing agencies, freelancers, and independent contractors.

How Does Staff Augmentation Work?

The process of staff augmentation begins with a company identifying a need for additional staff.

Once a need has been identified, the company will typically work with a staffing agency or other third-party provider to source and hire the necessary staff members.

Depending on the type of staffing agency used, the agency may handle all aspects of the hiring process, including recruiting, screening, interviewing, and onboarding.

Once the augmented staff members are hired, they will typically work alongside the company's permanent employees for the duration of the project or contract.

The company will be responsible for managing the augmented staff members and ensuring they have the necessary resources and support to complete their work.

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Pros and Cons of Staff Augmentation

Pros of Staff Augmentation

Cost Savings

One of the primary benefits of staff augmentation is cost savings.

By using augmented staff members, companies can save money on recruitment and training costs, as well as salary and benefits expenses.

This is particularly beneficial for companies that only need additional staff for a specific project or during peak periods.


Staff augmentation also provides flexibility for companies.

Rather than committing to hiring permanent employees, companies can hire augmented staff members on a project-by-project basis or for a specific period of time.

This allows companies to maintain a lean permanent workforce while still being able to take on larger projects or meet increased demand.

Access to Specialized Skills

Finally, staff augmentation provides companies with access to specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house.

This can be particularly beneficial for companies that need to complete a project that requires a specific skill set, such as software development or engineering.

Best Practices for Implementing Staff Augmentation 

Clearly define the job requirements and skill sets needed

Carefully vet and select the staffing agency or provider

Develop a clear onboarding and training process for augmented staff

Establish clear communication channels and expectations

Define performance metrics and goals

Regularly evaluate and provide feedback to augmented staff members

Treat augmented staff members as part of the team

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Cons of Staff Augmentation

Reduced Control

When hiring augmented staff members, companies may have less control over the quality of the work produced.

This is because augmented staff members may not be as invested in the company's success as permanent employees and may not have the same level of understanding of the company's culture and values.

Communication Challenges

Another risk of staff augmentation is communication challenges.

When working with augmented staff members, there may be challenges in ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

This is particularly true if augmented staff members are working remotely or are located in different time zones.

Integration Challenges

Finally, integrating augmented staff members into a company's existing processes and systems can be challenging.

This is particularly true if the augmented staff members are working on a project that requires a high level of collaboration with permanent employees.

Cons of Staff Augmentation


Reduced Control

Less control over the quality of work due to augmented staff members' potentially lower commitment and familiarity with the company's culture and values.

Communication Challenges

Challenges in ensuring alignment and communication among augmented staff members, especially if they work remotely or in different time zones.

Integration Challenges

Difficulty in integrating augmented staff members into existing processes and systems, especially in projects requiring high collaboration with permanent employees.

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Examples of Staff Augmentation in Various Industries

Staff augmentation is used in a wide range of industries, from IT and software development to healthcare and manufacturing.

Here are a few examples of how staff augmentation is used in different industries:

IT and Software Development

In the IT and software development industry, staff augmentation is often used to provide additional development resources for a specific project.

For example, a software development company may use staff augmentation to hire additional developers with specialized skills in a particular programming language.


In the healthcare industry, staff augmentation is often used to provide additional nursing or administrative staff during peak periods.

For example, a hospital may use staff augmentation to hire additional nurses during flu season when patient demand is higher.


In the manufacturing industry, staff augmentation is often used to provide additional labor for a specific project or task.

For example, a manufacturing company may use staff augmentation to hire additional workers to assemble a new product line.

Real-Life Example of Staff Augmentation 

The founder of Webstarted, Javier Caruso, once said:

As the founder of a growing startup, I was faced with the pressing need for supplemental manpower resources to effectively manage the growing demands in the IT world. However, I approached the prospect of hiring permanent staff with some reservations, as I harbored doubts about the sustained workload that would justify the associated expense.

In that context, I became familiar with the notion of staff augmentation. I explored the possibility of hiring professional experts for specific projects, who would collaborate with our team members.

This strategic approach offered me the possibility of proportionally expanding or reducing our staff as circumstances dictated, without the fiscal commitment of full-time hires.

Consequently, I decided to explore the staff augmentation route and hired a group of qualified developers to embark on a new software project.

Leveraging their expertise, we were able to accelerate the product launch beyond my initial projections.

In addition, we realized significant financial savings by avoiding the overhead associated with hiring permanent staff and, at the same time, reaped the benefits of the innovative views and concepts introduced by the complementary team members.

All in all, the experience of staff augmentation was a remarkable and advantageous solution for my growing company, allowing us to maintain an agile and competitive position in a constantly evolving business landscape".

At WebStarted, we understand the importance of choosing the right Staff Augmentation approach for your business. Our team of experts can help you navigate the complexities and provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Feel free to reach out to us for further guidance and support.

Staff Augmentation Means: Conclusion

Staff augmentation is a business strategy that can save companies money, increase flexibility, and provide access to specialized skills and expertise.

However, it also comes with risks, including reduced control, communication challenges, and integration challenges.

By understanding the pros and cons of staff augmentation, companies can make an informed decision about whether this strategy is right for them.

If you came here looking for an augmentation staffing service do not hesitate to contact us to make an excellent team for your project!

Sfatt Augmentation meaning FAQ

What is staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation is the process of hiring temporary employees to supplement a company's existing workforce.

Who benefits from staff augmentation?

Both businesses and employees can benefit from staff augmentation - businesses can quickly fill staffing gaps and employees can gain valuable experience.

How does staff augmentation work?

Companies partner with staffing agencies to find qualified candidates for temporary positions. The agency handles the hiring and payroll.

What are the objections to staff augmentation?

Some may argue that temporary employees lack loyalty or may disrupt company culture. However, thorough screening can mitigate these risks.

How does staff augmentation differ from outsourcing?

Staff augmentation involves hiring temporary employees to work on-site, while outsourcing involves hiring an external company to complete a project.

What industries commonly use staff augmentation?

Staff augmentation is popular in industries such as IT, healthcare, and finance, where there may be a need for specialized skills or temporary staffing solutions.

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